Formerly “blogs,” but what a blah sound blogs has! At SBD we know that telling visual and verbal brand stories is the most powerful tool in our bookshelf. Gather 'round, read some of our stories. We look forward to creating great brand stories for you!
Every year, for several years, we’ve created campaigns for TOC that generate tens of thousands of dollars in donations. Most of this work is done for the Willamette Week’s annual Give Guide. This year, we did it again – and then some. Not only did we create online and in-publication materials, but we also wanted to connect with TOC’s fans in the most personal way: in the venue itself. The need was urgent. That’s because an expensive upgrade to the alarm system is required in 2024. Thus, we created these posters.
Every year, for several years, we’ve created campaigns for TOC that generate tens of thousands of dollars in donations. Most of this work is done for the Willamette Week’s annual Give Guide. This year, we did it again – and then some. Not only did we create online and in-publication materials, but we also wanted to connect with TOC’s fans in the most personal way: in the venue itself. The need was urgent. That’s because an expensive upgrade to the alarm system is required in 2024. Thus, we created posters (shown above).
While the Old Church has always been a great place to hear live music, its website needed a refresh. Our goal was to create something more modern, more user-friendly – and to help them attract a younger audience. We knew any representation of the venue had to show off its number one asset: the stunning interior. So that’s the first thing you see on the homepage. In addition, we made it easy for users to get the info they wanted, so we streamlined the Events page, making it easier to find dates and times for your favorite groups. And we created quick links for Spotify, Tidal, and Etix. Finally, because we want to attract (and not put-off) a younger demographic, we made the site very mobile-friendly!
Hearing live music in The Old Church (TOC) is nothing short of heavenly – the acoustics are stunning, with high and low notes reverberating and mellowed by the wooden columns and fixtures. So when we were asked to help with their yearly fundraiser, our spirits soared. The mission? To make sure The Old Church raised $35,000 using the Willamette Week GiveGuide. Right away, we went to work drafting hipper, more friendly language and imagery. Ultimately our GiveGuide campaign included social posts, emails and a set of ads in the GiveGuide itself. The result? We got them to the promised land ($35,000) and then some!